The Imagésanté festival, which took place from 27 March to 1 April 2023, is a film festival but also a campus and health broadcasts with the mission of raising awareness of public health issues among citizens and health professionals.
As part of this festival, the Liège University Hospital research team organised a 2-hour workshop entitled "The hospital of the future invites itself into the patient's home", which was attended by almost 200 students (nurses and care assistants). The workshop provided an opportunity to present our Pragma-TIC project and illustrate how new technologies can support healthcare and integrate into the hospital environment. The future caregivers understood the importance of developing their patients' digital health skills.
On March 30, a thematic session "The medicine in the digital age" brought together various healthcare system actors, including doctors, front-line caregivers, patients, students in healthcare courses, political decision-makers and citizens. The research team from the Pragma-TIC project from the Liège University Hospital also took part in the programme, which addressed subjects such as the digital divide and digital literacy in health.
A video presenting the project was broadcast during the programme. The programme, broadcast live, is also available for replay: